Marketing touches every area of your business. A successful marketing strategy starts from the inside out to ensure positive customer experiences that generate 5-star reviews. Everyone needs to understand the Who, What, Why, Where, and How of your marketing strategy and how they contribute to the customer experience. Ultimately, marketing is everyone’s job.
Who – can you describe your ideal customer?
What – do you know what your ideal customer’s needs are?
Why – do you understand why your ideal customers choose you over your competition?
Where – do you know where your ideal customers live and work?
How – do you know how they found you?
If you and your team can’t answer those five questions and understand how each person contributes to the customer experience, then you are wasting your marketing dollars. You may get new customers to try you once, but if they don’t have a positive experience, they won’t be back. At the end of this talk you will understand how to describe your ideal customer, you will gain insights about why they buy from you, and you will understand why marketing is part of everyone's job.
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Meet Jeri:
Jeri Denniston is the Chief Marketing Strategist in the strategic management coaching firm she shares with her husband. Most recently, she was the Director of the Yavapai College Small Business Development Center in Prescott, AZ, for 4 years. She brings more than 35 years of experience in strategic management, business planning, and digital and social media marketing in a variety of industries from small businesses to Fortune 100 enterprises. A certified Small Business Advisor, she holds certifications in strategic management, Growth Wheel, and the LivePlan business planning tool. She has authored several articles and eBooks on social media planning, strategic planning and digital marketing. She also teaches social media marketing and has held many webinars on this topic as well as marketing, business planning, and strategy. Jeri holds a Masters in International Management from Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University and a BA in Spanish from Chapman University in California with high proficiency in business-level Spanish.