Hosted by Native Women Lead. Click here to register.
Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women (CSVANW) is an organization homegrown in New Mexico focused on shaping policy, conducting outreach, increasing awareness, informing priorities and working to ensure that our tribal communities are represented within conversations where we have historically been underrepresented. Their work provides unique insight into how to increase social change and gender justice advocacy through community-based solutions to violence.
FreeFrom is a nationwide organization dedicated to seeking economic justice and opportunity for survivors of abuse and exploitation. There work is rooted in:
Capacity Building - Integrating financial capacity building services into the existing domestic violence movement
Collective Power - creating tools, resources, and environments to support survivors' collective economic and community power (see GIFTED, Compensation Compass, Peer-to-Peer Supports, and Safety Fund)
Systems Change - removing the structural obstacles to survivors' financial security.
Sadly, 4 in 5 Indigenous women will experience violence in their lifetime. NWL believes that opening the pathway to and supporting entrepreneurship within our communities catalyzes Native womxn to self-determine their path forward in what aligns with their healing, goals, and vision.
We hold space to hear and learn from these two powerful organizations seeking to end gender based violence, advocate for those voices, and support communities and organizations with tools and resources to power build from within.